“M.A.P.S. has supported a group I facilitate that is coordinating newcomer children and youth settlement services in schools. Louise compiled maps for all programs and services that 6 agencies currently offer, which has been immensely useful for our group. The ultimate goal is to improve coordination and streamline services to ensure newcomer children and youth have the best support available. M.A.P.S. has been extremely helpful and instrumental in this project.”

2018 Common Outcomes Report

“The 3 life maps that were created with participants have proved to be an excellent vehicle to engage community in further discussions focussing on the resiliency of marginalized people in provincial, national, and international conferences and settings.”

2018 Common Outcomes Report

“Championing the outcomes and recommendations of the 4 phases of research has expanded collaborative efforts, resulted in bus passes for the vulnerable, and generated interest in looking at issues impacting youth such as banning and mental health. We can achieve collaboratively what we cannot achieve as individual organizations.”

2018 Common Outcomes Report

“The maps developed in partnership with M.A.P.S. have been used as a tool to talk to service providers in the community. They have helped us understand what data is available, and to partner with others to locate data they may have to better help us understand the Early Learning and care landscape in Edmonton.”

2018 Common Outcomes Report

“M.A.P.S. was able to put a concept into a professional document/map so it would be taken more seriously. This work is extremely meaningful and emotional to the high-risk youth of Edmonton and the professionals who work with them. This map will be used mainly to improve accountability in the workers who help Edmonton’s youth to have happier, healthier lives with fewer criminal episodes.”

2018 Common Outcomes Report